Groundbreaking Multimodal Transit Ecosystem
University of California San Diego | San Diego, CA
With a 2,178 acre campus of over 75,000 proud Tritons, University of California San Diego has solved campus mobility and accessibility issues by partnering with the team here at TransLoc as well as Spin. Under one campus ecosystem, TransLoc’s advanced Fixed Route and OnDemand microtransit technology is paired with Spin’s micromobility sharing service. This partnership delivers and integrates sustainable and affordable transportation modes to UC San Diego’s massive campus.

With the combined services of Spin and TransLoc, the university reduces its carbon emissions, leverages our investment in transportation and makes the final leg of commutes easier for faculty, students and staff.
Gary Matthews, UC San Diego Vice Chancellor for Resource Management & Planning
〉Deliver and integrate sustainable transportation modes
〉Reduce carbon footprint while supporting efficient transit opportunities
〉Provide more convenient and affordable transportation options
〉Transform UC San Diego’s campus into a 15-minute city