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  • TransLoc’s innovation programs bring diverse perspectives and new ideas that enhance the quality of TransLoc’s products
  • Innovation programs are a great way for companies to harness creative ideas across the organization through a structured and streamlined process

Don’t @ me, but innovation is trending. 

Companies are leaning more heavily into accelerating internal innovation processes. And good thing, because initiatives that promote innovative thinking from employees at all levels are tapping into diverse resources that may otherwise go unmined. 

TransLoc’s new innovation program exists to foster a culture of proactive solution seeking and inventive ideation from the ground up for our products. We are going beyond the power of valuable ideas, and leaning more into the connections between them. It’s a focused innovation system that will be used as the framework to increase the number of attempts made at surfacing and cultivating innovative ideas. As an employee-led program from the start, there’s a real sense of ownership and excitement for the program’s execution to be successful. 

When ideas are given room to bounce off each other in a purposeful and organized process, it creates a safe space for testing and failing fast. Opening this forum for innovation encourages exploration, collaboration, and personal development that ultimately helps organizations hold onto forward-thinking talent, attract potential employees with similar mindsets, and quickly explore initiatives to help drive customer value. A streamlined approach with executive buy-in ensures that all team members are motivated to be a part of solutions, and that projects align with company values and strategic initiatives.

When it comes to coordinating a program to inspire and organize new ideas, there are three critical stops to halt at along the way. 

1. Generation

The key to generating ideas is creating space for them to be accepted. That’s where TransLoc’s innovation program comes in –– funneling in ideas from team members at all levels in the organization to designated innovation committee representatives. It’s important to over-emphasize that anyone can contribute at any time, and their ideas will be filtered through the innovation refinement process. 

2. Maturation

After gathering ideas on a predetermined periodic basis, the committee will consolidate suggestions primarily based on potential business value. During the maturation stage, the committee validates selected ideas, researches solution options, and takes steps to measure the overall feasibility of implementation. 

3. Creating Prototypes

After entries are selected, the innovation committee invests more time into a thorough assessment and approves them for Hack Week –– a quarterly initiative dedicated to prototyping, exploring, and evaluating high confidence idea submissions. 

Hack Week involves advancing approved ideas from the maturation phase. Cross-departmental teams spend time experimenting, proofing concepts, pitching demos, and deciding how prototypes can be used to better serve the business.

Following prototype demos, the committee evaluates the finalized ideas and determines the unique outcome of each. While some ideas may regress back to maturation phases for more in depth review, successful prototypes may move into implementation. 

Think > Share > Grow

Projects like TransLoc’s innovation program encourage creative problem solving, and open doors for employees to contribute ideas that are guaranteed to be directed to the right people. Refining this process improves overall company culture, stressing the importance and impact of individual contributions. 

Active listening through innovation programs shows true investment in employee insight and the future of an organization.

At TransLoc, that translates to investing in revolutionizing the way people move, and the freedom of mobility for all through equitable and accessible public transportation services.

Come innovate with us at TransLoc! Visit our careers page for information on our newest job opportunities.